Mis disculpas por la foto borrosa...me puse como una comadreja nerviosa Apologies for the blurriness...I got a bit nervous |
This woman definitely forgot the secret code to her safebox. Mami, the hairy boots should never see daylight not even the darkness of your closet. If you want to make a statement with colors and patterns make sure it is at least a nice combination. Seriously, it looks like Barbie threw up a bag of Wild Berry Skittles on you...
Cambio y fuera
Over and out
Que esta sucediendo aqui? Que esta sucediendo en el mundo? Si tienes pereza/flojera/weba de vestirte que te cuesta ponerte algo decente? Me molesta que hay personas que insisten en salir asi y disturbar mi pobre vista. Mami, esas ojotas/chancletas/cholas parece de salon de belleza...comprate una nuevas a $1 en OLD NAVY.
What is going here? What is going on with the world? If you are lazy, why is it so hard to wear something decent? It bugs me that there are people that insist on leaving their house/apartment/burrow like this. Honey, the flip flops look like the ones they give after you get a pedi...get a new pair at Old Navy for a $1.
Cambio y fuera
Over and out
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