Sunday, April 29, 2012

Electra la Electrica llamo Electra la Electrica. Me encontre a este chica electrica camino a mi casa y me ilumino la vida. Me gusta el hecho que haya combinado el color de pelo con el color de la cartera. Siempre he sido amante del color negro y me parece que vestirse solo de negro se ve muy elegante. Sin embargo, hay algo en este conjunto que no cuadra. Sera el collar con el candado? name is Electric Electra. I found this electric chick on my way home and she enlightened my life. I like the fact that she combined her hair with her purse. I have always been an advocate of black and wearing black because it is so simple yet so elegant. However, there is something in this outfit that isn't just right. Maybe it is the choker?

Cambio y fuera
Over and out 

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